Relevance: Sociology: Work and Economic Life Functionalist Perspective Someone taking a functional perspective will most likely view work and the
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Relevance: Sociology: Work and Economic Life Functionalist Perspective Someone taking a functional perspective will most likely view work and the
Continue readingRELEVANCE: SOCIOLOGY: WORK AND ECONOMIC LIFE Key Takeaways Functionalism emphasizes the importance of the economy for any society, and the
Continue readingCulture is a term that refers to a large and diverse set of mostly intangible aspects of social life. According
Continue readingANAEMIA AND WOMEN HEALTH: SOCIAL NORMS-BASED INTERVENTIONS AT EVERY PHASE OF A WOMAN’S LIFE Relevance: Sociology: Emerging issues: ageing, sex
Continue readingSocial order is a fundamental concept in sociology that refers to the way the various components of society work
Continue readingKey Takeaways Functionalism recognizes the problems arising from population growth that is too rapid, but disagrees on the extent
Continue readingCONTEXT Recent news on China allowing Couples for children and Lakshadweep policy There is no evidence that a two-child policy
Continue readingRelevance: Sociology: Education and social change. Theoretical perspective Major assumptions Functionalism Education serves several functions for society. These include (a)
Continue readingWOMEN EMPOWERMENT: SCHEMES TO UPLIFT WOMEN Relevance: Sociology: Poverty, deprivation and inequalities. Violence against women. G.S paper II: Governance:
Continue readingPANCHAYATI RAJ SYSTEM TOWARDS CHANGING RURAL INDIA Relevance: Sociology: Politics and Society: Regionalism and decentralization of power. G.S paper: II:
Continue readingRelevance: Sociology: Women Issues: Emerging issues: ageing, sex ratios, child and infant mortality, reproductive health. Context: What happens when an
Continue readingLESSONS FOR INDIA CAN FROM BANGLADESH ABOUT CLOSING ITS GENDER GAP Relevance: Sociology: Gender inequalities G.S paper II: Governance Context
Continue readingRURAL SCHOOLS AND INVOLVING LOCAL COMMUNITIES Relevance: Sociology: Rural and Agrarian transformation in India: Programmes of rural development, Community Development
Continue readingRelevance: Sociology: Patriarchy, entitlements and sexual division of labour Gender, Inequalities Groom gets trolled for wearing mangalsutra Groom wears a
Continue readingWomen Empowerment: Schemes to Uplift Women Relevance: Sociology: Poverty, deprivation and inequalities. Violence against women. G.S paper II: Governance:
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