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- (Relevant for Sociology Syllabus: Paper 1- Religion and Society & paper-2- Challenges of Social Transformation)
- (Relevant for GS Syllabus: Paper1-Diversity of India, communalism )

- For the last few years, we all have seen growing communal violence in the country. It is not just a threat to our country but in long term, it will weaken our country from inside. Some of you might have been thinking: Why it has increased?
- Mostly politicians prioritise people of their community to vote for them & in return, they promise to fight opponents after they come to power. Notable personalities speak-up against another religion. Brainwashing them digitally (IT cells of different political parties shows the bad side of one religion & regularly targets them). Blasphemy is one of the main reason why communal violence happen. How to tackle it?
- Politics shouldn’t be mix with religion i.e there should be a universal law for all religion. Stop religious appeasement. Freedom of religion for all. Strict action against the culprit who tries to unstable religious harmony.
- Hate speech against any specific religion should be restricted. Secularism doesn’t mean one should stop praying their god, it means people are free to pray their god.
- Same is the case with Freedom of Speech.People mock religion & target people in the name of freedom of speech, it should be limited by the Supreme Court of India.
- India is a country with a huge population and people having a different ideology. We celebrate almost all festivals, i.e. Holi, Diwali, Eid, Christmas, and many more. There should be diversity because there is unity in diversity.