Religion has no Role in the Modern Society

 Religion has no Role in the Modern Society 


  • From primitive societies to highly organized modern societies, the existence of religion has been recorded in every society, although the nature of religious practices is varied.
  • Religion exists at both the private and the public level, as people’s relation to God is shaped by personal experiences and beliefs. At the same time, the public role of religion is apparent during communal gatherings and festivals.
  • Modern societies are understood to be functioning based on the existence of reason and scientific development. Our reliance on technology and the principles of science for existence and growth may therefore lead some to question the need for religion in modern societies.
  • Main argument of the essay: Although religion does not rule every aspect of our lives like it used to, we cannot completely do away with religion in modern societies due to the functional role it plays. The reduced role of religion does not take away its utility.


Changing status of religion throughout time:

  • In ancient India, religion ruled every aspect of life. The education that was imparted was highly religious and involved teaching the Vedas to Brahmins and by Brahmins. Marriage, life, birth, and death rituals were also determined by religion. In modern societies, education has become largely secular, while personal events are still carried out according to religion. For instance, death rites among Hindus are still practised according to religion.
  • In western societies, education was controlled by the churches and only the priests were allowed to read and write. There as well, the major events of life were carried out according to religious beliefs. We see that with enlightenment and scientific revolution, the role of religion in the sphere of education is reduced.
  • Churches and temples had a major impact on the sphere of the state in ancient and medieval times, wherein most kingdoms adopted a religion and promoted it. The promotion of Buddhism by Ashoka and other kings has had a long-lasting impact on the art and architecture of this land. In modern times, the states are mostly secular with a few exceptions such as Saudi Arabia and the Vatican City.

Why does/should religion not have a role in modern societies?

  • It is a general assumption that modern societies rely on reason and science for survival. Developments in medicine, genetic modification, and scientific farming are examples of this. With this, the focus of society should be the development of science and technology instead of religion.
  • Modern societies are organized and function on the ideals of equality, secularism, and tolerance. Religion often creates divisions, hierarchies, and a closed outlook for orthodox followers. It is thus detrimental to the functioning of modern societies to let religion influence their social organization.
  • Religion helped primitive societies to explain unfathomable phenomena such as volcanoes, rain, and earthquakes, which gave them a sense of security. It can be argued that this role of religion is redundant when these things can now be explained by science.

What role does/ can religion play in modern societies?

  • Modern life is very individualistic and detached from the communal living that was prevalent earlier. Religion is needed in such a scenario, as it gives a sense of belonging and togetherness to people. Churches and temples are a great way for people to gather and share their joys/sorrows.
  • Modern life is driven by competition and a pursuit of material things, and is overall a fast-paced life. This can cause many emotional and psychological anomalies among modern citizens. Religion can help cope up with this stress and pressure of modern life. Many scientists have been followers of religion, which shows the necessity of religion in a person’s life.
  • A society solely dependent on reason and science may lose the sight of the ethics and morality that religion provides, at times by inducing the fear of God among people. Almost all religions encourage people to be generous, honest, and compassionate. Even modern societies need these values to be instilled in the citizens for peaceful living.


  • The influence of religion has changed drastically over the years, and has become negligible in many spheres such as state affairs and education in modern societies, which leads to a question on the role of religion in modern times.
  • Religion creates division and hierarchies based on tradition only instead of merit, and unnecessary importance is given to myths/blind beliefs; therefore it should not have a role in science- and reason-driven modern societies.
  • Although religion has a reduced role, its utility cannot be denied in creating a feeling of belonging, ensuring certain ethical/ moral standards in a society, and helping individuals cope with challenges of life.
  • Continued existence of religion in all societies despite the scientific progress stands as a testament for the need of religion in our lives.


  • Keywords: religion, role, modern societies
  • The tide leans towards one extreme of opinions; the writer must make a balanced argument in response to that.
  • Make sure to give multiple individual as well as universal examples for this essay.

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