I didn’t exclaim over why reservation is introduced in the private sector in Haryana, it’s obvious these donkey-headed politicians make some elusive promises before elections which begin to haunt them with every passing day. Something very similar happened here in Haryana, a fractured government has unleashed an attack with flashbang against private sector companies. I am terming this as an attack with flashbang because they (government) don’t even know whether the move will yield the desired result, it’s simply borne out of expedient vote thirst which leads them to where they are today (political sewer).

I was always of the view that finally the state governments are on the same page with the Central and some lucrative moves are on the anvil which will pep up the stung economy, but before others could even think of the plan Haryana lobbed the biggest debacle. Private sector companies have already insinuated that this move is like preparing a pyre for self. I mean, seriously were these politicians not satisfied with their biggest gaffe of not reprieving the reservation in other government sectors that they have now started proffering it in the private sector. If we observe the line that Haryana government toed, then their defence to this move is that it’s an attempt to manifest vocal for local and premised on Atmanirbhar Bharat. Shit! These guys even failed to understand the essence of Atmanirbhar Bharat and are silhouetting their gibberish deeds with it.

It’s always a worthless talk to tutor these cynics for they will always hanker after votes. Haryana is an agricultural state where most people are either directly or indirectly related to agriculture, and if Gurugram is removed from this state then all the IT dreams get obliterated. It’s semantically unfair to call Gurugram more as a part of Haryana and not NCR for the chunk of investment and presence of IT companies is largely imputed to its nearness to Delhi.

Private companies are not akin to public sector companies which have the most undeserving person on the most important positions. This move further devastates the already threadbare economy. It shatters all our dreams in which we imagine companies migrating out of China to come to India, but now the question remains how to obviate the already present companies from migrating out as this move acts as a deterrent for the companies to hire the employees of their choice.

So is this a new chapter which will be added to our already toiled history, and will be taken as precedent by other states. What! if that happens then I will have to change the state of birth from my Aadhar for Uttar Pradesh can’t cap employers from hiring people from all around the country, as Uttar Pradesh has cut off the snake’s head by not having any private employers. Kudos for that UP, MP, Jharkhand, Bihar and almost whole of eastern India.

But this time I believe we shouldn’t cut any slack to these politicians for if this is taken as a universal pacifier, the whole country will be in a mess and these politicians will again cock a snook and smirk away without any mortification.

Courtesy : Shreyansh Pathak @Sceptical snake

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