Population of Asiatic lions increased in India

Relevance: Prelims: Environment: Biodiversity
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           Roaring success: Population of Asiatic lions in India up 29% in 5 ...

• As per recently conducted census shows that the population/numbers of Asiatic lions have risen by 29% over five years.

Key Highlights of the census:

• This year a population estimation exercise was carried out in the first week of June because the five-yearly regular census in May could not be held due to COVID-19

The population has increased from 523 in 2015 and to 674 in 2020 including male, female and cubs.

• There is a 36% increase in the distribution area of lions from 22,000 square kilometres in 2015 to 30,000 square kilometres in 2020.

• This population of Asiatic Lions are currently located in the protected areas and agro-pastoral landscapes of Saurashtra, Gujarat.

• According to experts, the population of lions is currently growing at about two per cent a year.

About Asiatic Lions:

Asiatic lions (Scientific Name: Panthera leo persica) are slightly smaller than African lions and males have only moderate mane growth at the top of the head so that their ears are always visible. They are slightly smaller than African lions.

• The most striking morphological character is a longitudinal fold of skin running along the belly of Asiatic Lions.

Asiatic Lions are listed as ‘Endangered’ under the IUCN Red List and its population is restricted to the state of Gujarat in India.
• They have been also put under the Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972: Schedule 1 and CITES Appendix I.

The MoEFCC has launched the “Asiatic Lion Conservation Project” with an aim to protect and conserve the world’s last ranging
free population of Asiatic Lion and its associated ecosystem with the approach “Species Conservation over a large landscape”.

• Recently, the Kuno-Palpur Wildlife Sanctuary in Madhya Pradesh was identified to be the most suitable for reintroducing the
species so as to save the species in case of any catastrophe hits the Gir Range, the only adobe of lions.

About Gir National Park:

Asiatic Lion Reintroduction Project - Wikipedia

• The Gir National Park and Wildlife Sanctuary is located in the Junagadh district of Gujarat and is the only natural habitat of Asiatic lions.

• It was declared as a sanctuary in 1965 and a national park in 1975, the Gir Forests is the largest compact belt of dry deciduous forests in the semi-arid western part of India.

Asiatic Lion Conservation Project – Civilsdaily


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