Mass Bleaching of Great Barrier Reef

Relevance: Prelims: Environment

Nice Barrier Reef's third mass bleaching in 5 years is essentially ...


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Why in news?

• Australia’s Great Barrier Reef has suffered its most widespread coral bleaching on record. Record sea temperatures had caused the third mass bleaching of the 2,300-kilometre reef system in just five years.

Great Barrier Reef's third mass bleaching in five years the most ...


• For the first time, severe bleaching has struck all three regions of the Great Barrier Reef — the northern, central and now large parts of the southern sectors.

• The damage came as February brought the highest monthly sea temperatures on the Great Barrier Reef since Australia began keeping records in 1900.

How does climate change affect coral reefs?

Third mass bleaching of Great Barrier Reef – Civilsdaily


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