Many Many Congratulations to all Triumph IAS Students #QUALIFIED FOR #PERSONALITY TEST #UPSC CSE 2022
Momentum of Success in UPSC-CSE Mains Continued at #Triumph #IAS. Congratulations to All the #Fighters of “Triumph IAS-CSE MAINS 2022” for getting opportunity to face the Next Level of Challenge #Personality #Test. Success of Students, really a source of Energy and Motivation for Us.
Our #Suggestion to All #Successful #CSE #Mains #Fighters Qualified for #Personalty #Test 2022.
Do not let momentum of Success in Mains trick you into assuming your success is permanent. It would be Permanent after Success in Personality Test. The World (Interview Board) You are going to see is strange and uncertain. Plan for it.
Once You refill our energy and motivation, it is time to get back to BASICS of KNOWLEDGE & PERSONALITY and move towards the next goal or milestone, that is Success in Personality Test. If You celebrate long enough, You will get used to it and develop a habit of “partypreneur” who parties more than they achieve. Or if You don’t get back to work soon enough, You will get satisfied with Your result and become comfortable.
WE can find lots of examples of people who once achieved great results but, because of being satisfied with their current conditions and do not stretch themselves any more. All they do now is to tell that they have made it or talk about what they used to do.
Those people will no longer improve themselves by Understanding the Pre-requisites of Personality Test, gradually go back to mediocrity. That is why You should not settle for what You have achieved. You should constantly raise the bar and keep improving Yourself with utmost discipline in your Orientation.
Maintain Constitutional Correctness, Legal Correctness, Governmental Correctness etc. in Your Personality, Your Thought, Meanings and Orientations. Don’t get into trap of Dramatics done by Corporate Coachings for Collection of Your Photographs.
Understand your Personality Attributes, Reflect on DAF, Revise Your Knowledge Matrix, Make Concise 10 Pointer notes and Interact over Questions related to Social, Economic, Political, Cultural, Educational, Governance etc Issues. Rest We will discuss in One on One Conversation.
Good Luck.
Sai Bless You All.
Vikash Ranjan