Lonar lake

Relevance: Prelims: Geography

Why in news?

• The 56,000-year-old Lonar crater sanctuary lake in Buldhana district has turned red/pink and become a hot topic of discussion among scientists.

Lonar Lake in Maharashtra mysteriously turns pink, leave ...


• Lonar in Buldhana district, Maharashtra.

• Lonar Lake, also known as Lonar crater, was created by a meteor impact during the Pleistocene Epoch. A meteorite estimated to weigh two-million-tonnes slammed into the Earth, around 50,000 years creating a 1.83-km diameter crater where the lake formed.

• It is the only known hyper velocity meteorite crater in basaltic rock anywhere on Earth.

• It was notified as a National Geo-heritage Monument in 1979 by Geological Survey of India (GSI).

• It is famous as world’s largest basaltic impact crater. Two other similar ones are in Dhala and Ramgarh in Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan respectively but both are relatively unknown.

• The forest-fringed lake boasts a unique ecology that is remarkably different from the rest of the flat landscape that surrounds it.

• The water sustains micro-organisms that are rarely found elsewhere on earth and the lake is also of mythological significance too.

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