• (Relevant for Sociology Syllabus: Paper 1 – Systems of Kinship; PAPER-2 –Systems of Kinship in India.)
  • (Relevant for GS Syllabus: Paper 1- Social empowerment.)
  • Not only abortion should be illegal, but leaving her should be too. It is not about supporting feminism, but it is about morals and ethics.
  • India (Bharat), is a country of culture, a country of the oldest customs that are being practised today. And doing things with immorality destroys the culture and character of that person.
  • In many cases, after the couples have sex and girl gets pregnant, most of the time the boy leaves. Now first of all, if the couple (not minor) are having a physical relationship then they should use preventive measures and should be bold enough to face the consequences. If the abortion is illegal, then a man leaving her should also be considered as illegal.
  • There are many situations like this where the girl, more often commits suicide. In some rural areas of India, if a boy and girl are in a physical relationship then they have to end up being married.
  • It is more because of the respect of the girl. She does not have to hear from society only but even her parents feel shameless.
  • Like in a recent case on 9th July 2020, a minor girl in Uttarakhand committed suicide after pregnancy was detected. Police confirmed that she got scolded by her father and can’t bear the pressure.
  • This was the case that was filed, many of the times it doesn’t even get attention and the body of the girl either get buried or gets criminated just to prevent themselves from insult.
  • Having consensual sex (not minor) does not amount to be illegal, but if the girl gets pregnant then backing out should not be an option.
  • There is a punishment for rape, harassment, and bullying but what about the girl that is being left alone with a child in her womb.
  • A law should be passed for it. No punishment should be there but responsibility should be given to both. They did sex and now they have to bear the consequences otherwise both should be punished.



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