Industrial Class Structure in India

Industrial Class Structure in India | Sociology Optional Coaching | Vikash Ranjan Classes | Triumph IAS | UPSC Sociology Optional

When considering the array of 51 optional subjects for the UPSC Mains Examination, Sociology consistently stands out as a top choice. Its inherent appeal lies in its accessibility and intriguing exploration of humanity and society, catering even to students from  Science and Commerce backgrounds. With a well-defined UPSC sociology syllabus comprising only 13 units, Sociology can be comprehensively covered within 3 to 4 months, as exemplified by Commerce Graduate IAS Pradeep Singh, who achieved 307 marks in his first attempt. Notably, Sociology for UPSC has garnered a reputation as one of the Highest scoring optional subjects in the UPSC Main Examination, with numerous candidates consistently achieving 300+. Its popularity is evident in the fact that a significant proportion of top 100 rankers opt for Sociology as their optional subject, showcasing its high scoring potential, particularly for those not from sociology backgrounds. Moreover, relevance of Sociology Optional Syllabus for UPSC extends beyond the examination hall, enriching understanding across various aspects of life, from social and economic to political and cultural domains. In recent times, Sociology Optional has gained traction, aligning with the evolving trend of the UPSC Mains towards conceptual analysis. Unlike other optional subjects with unpredictable question patterns, Sociology offers stability and predictability, making it an attractive choice. This adaptability, coupled with its concise syllabus and relevance to both academic and social spheres, positions Sociology as the ideal optional subject for engineers as well as optional subject for commerce graduates and optional subject for  science graduates seeking success in the Civil Services Examination. For those pursuing Sociology as an optional subject, accessing comprehensive Sociology optional notes and few good Sociology optional books, and previous years’ UPSC sociology optional question papers is pivotal for thorough preparation. Additionally, for aspirants seeking guidance, renowned  educator Vikash Ranjan Sir at TRIUMPH IAS coaching institutes in Delhi, offer valuable support and resources. Vikash Ranjan Sir is the Best Sociology Teacher and Triumph IAS is the
best sociology coaching in Delhi. If you are away from Old Rajendra Nagar, Delhi, you can still complete Journey of UPSC civil service preparation through online Sociology class The  scientific nature of Sociology, coupled with its direct applicability to daily social interactions, renders it a subject that can be comprehended without extensive reference materials, distinguishing it from other optional subjects requiring extensive reading and research.

Industrial Class Structure in India

Relevant for Civil Services Examination
Paper-2, Unit-12 [Social Classes in India

Industrial Class Structure in India

Industrial class structure started taking shape during British period During British period in cities a new industrial and mercantile middle class came into being. There also emerged a new bureaucratic administrative class. After independence industrial class took a new shape. The effects of industrialization have been

  1. The percentage of workers engaged in agricultural has come down while that of works engaged in individual activities has gone up.
  2. The process of social mobility has accelerated
  3. Trade unions have organized industrial workers to fight for their rights.
  4. Since industrial workers maintain continued and close and relationship with their kin-groups and castes, caste stratification has an affected class character
  5. The traditional and charismatic elite have been replaced by the professional elite.

Morris D. Morris has referred to two view points regarding the behaviour pattern of the industrial labour.

  1. One view is the labour being short in industry, employers had to scramble for their workforce and make all sorts of concessions which weakened their hold on workers. The workers frequently returned to their villages to which they were very much attached
  2. The other view talks of surplus of labour available villages for the urban employment Because of easy availability the employers abused workers unmercifully. Since working conditions in the factories were intolerable, the labour was forced to go back to their villages.
  3. Thus, in both views, it was held that workers retained their links with villages which limited the supply of labour for industrial development As a consequence, proletarian type of behaviour did not develop. It also resulted in high rates of absenteeism, labour turnover and the slow growth of trade unions.

Beside the above features, other features of industrial class workers were also visible.

  1. First, the employment of women and children in industries was very limited About 20 and 25 per cent of labour force consisted of women and about 5 per cent of children. This was because employment of women in night shifts was prohibited and children below 14 years could not be legally employed
  2. Secondly, though it is argued that industry is caste blind because no single caste can provide an adequate supply of labour and because employees are uninterested in caste affiliation, yet workers did not permit the employers to employ workers of untouchable castes.
  3. Thirdly, large number of workers in the industries were those who had no significant claim district in which the industry was located but were returned from different districts as well as neighbouring states. There were, thus, no geographical barriers inhibiting the flow of labour into the industry. The rural social structure (joint family system, etc.) was also not a barrier to one estimate, of the total workers in any industry, about 25 per cent are local, 10 pr cent come from within 100 kins of industry’s location, 50 per cent from 100 to 750 kins and 15 per cent from more than 750 kins. This shows a tendency for industry hands to be drawn from increasingly distant areas. All these features explain the class aspect of industrial labour force in India.

Analyzing the ‘working class’, Holmstrom has said that all workers do not share all interests; rather they share a few interests only. He has also said that it is necessary to draw a class line between the organized and the unorganized sector industrial workers.

Joshi (1976) also has said that organized and unorganized sector industrial workers are two classes with different and conflicting interests. This can be explained on the basis of difference in four factors wages, working conditions, security and social worlds.

  1. The wages depend upon whether the industry is big (more than1,000 workers),small (250-1,000 workers) or very small (less than 50 workers). In 1973, West Bengal laid down different minimum wages for above three types of industries.The big industries pay much more than the small industries because of the economics of scale, unions and worker’s strong bargaining position. Naturally, the interests of workers depend upon the type of industry they work in.
  2. The working conditions also affect the interests of workers. Workers in industries with more pleasant conditions, having safety measures and fewer accidents and less noise and monotony and fatigue, shorter hours, more space, freedom from close control or harassment, a chance of learning something more, canteens and creches and washing rooms have different interests from those which do not provide all these amenities. As such, they work as two different classes of workers.
  3. Security and career chances also demarcate two classes of workers. A permanent worker has not only a job but also a career while the temporary worker is bothered more about the security of the job. The permanent worker’s career extends into the future but the temporary one remains bogged down into the present The former may plan to improve his job by learning a skill and getting promotion, the latter is terrified of losing his job if he jobs a union.
  4. Lastly, the social worlds also divide workers in two different classes.The ‘Social world’ refers to differences in economic conditions, life chances, mutual aid and dependence etc.The factory workers in the organized sector have more solidarity ,fewer hostility and less tensions.Their interests and ideology keep them separate from the ‘outsiders’. Thus the organized sector workers form a privileged upper class.

Business Elite: Shadow of Industrial Class

An entrepreneurial class or business elite started emerging in India by the middle of the nineteenth century. Although prior to the British rule a group of enterprising business persons and traders existed in the country, but the new business elite came into prominence only during this period. Traditionally, most of the business persons belonged to the trading castes and communities. But when a new link was established between the Indian economy and that of Britain, members of some other castes also joined mercantile enterprises. As most of the business persons mainly worked as middle persons and brokers to British firms.

  1. These groups of business persons were primarily commercial agents and not industrial entrepreneurs. Moreover, they were located mainly in Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai regions because commercial and industrial activities were concentrated in these regions.
  2. The members of this group mainly belonged to the upper castes. For example,Jains, Baniyas and Kayashthas had the upper hand over others in Kolkata region, Parsis and Jains in Mumbai, and in Chennai region, Chettiars controlled such businesses.

During the early part of the twentieth century the Indian industrial entrepreneurs started competing with the British. Gujrarati, Parsis and Marwari emerged as the dominant groups among the business elite. Sociological studies have shown two major characteristics of business elite in Indian in the first place,

Most of them are the members of the traditional trading castes and in this sense there is continuity with the past tradition.

Secondly, there has been a close link of this group with the nationalist movement in India. These features, as Yogendra Singh suggests, “Influences as role that the business elite play in the modernization of Indian society”.

  1. The size and role of business elite has phenomenally increased after independence. It has been primarily because of the expansion of industrial activities during the last few decades.
  2. The industrial business groups now organized their activities on modern scientific lines and are comparable to their counterparts outside the country. Trained manager manage their organizations. Thus, a kind of bureaucratic structure has emerged giving rise to a new class of industrial bureaucrats.
  3. The accelerated growth of business elite suggests a significant change in the entrepreneurial motivation of the people.The group is gradually becoming broad-based as members of the diverse social group sand castes are entering into this fold The industrial development of the backward regions in the country is a pointer to this trend.

The End of the Blog : Industrial Class Structure in India

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Frequently Asked Questions by
UPSC Sociology Optional Students

  1. How to prepare for the Sociology Optional without coaching?
  • Understand the syllabus thoroughly: Familiarize yourself with the entire syllabus for both Paper I and Paper II. Download the official UPSC syllabus and use it as your roadmap. You can attend Sociology Orientation Lectors by Vikash Ranjan sir  on YouTube
  • Build a strong foundation: Start with introductory textbooks and NCERT books to grasp core sociological concepts. You can start with Introduction to Sociology books
  • Choose reliable study materials: Select high-quality textbooks, reference books, and online resources recommended by experts. You can opt for Vikash Ranjan Sir Notes too.
  • Develop a study schedule: Create a realistic and consistent study schedule that allocates dedicated time for each topic. Stick to it and track your progress.
  • Take notes effectively: Don’t just passively read. Summarize key points, create mind maps, or use other note-taking techniques to aid understanding and revision.
  • Practice answer writing: Regularly write answers to past year question papers and model questions. Focus on clarity, structure, and critical thinking. Evaluate your answers for improvement.
  • Seek guidance: You can take free Mentorship on Sociology Optional preparation by Vikash Ranjan sir. Connect with Vikash Ranjan sir (7303615329) to share strategies, ask questions, and stay motivated.  
  1. Can I prepare for Sociology Optional without coaching?

Absolutely! Many aspirants successfully clear the exam through self-study. However coaching can provide structure and guidance, for time bound preparation.

  1. What are the benefits of preparing without coaching?
  • Cost-effective: Coaching can be expensive, and self-study allows you to manage your resources efficiently.
  • Flexibility: You can tailor your study plan to your individual needs and pace.
  • Independence: You develop critical thinking and research skills, valuable assets for your career.
  1. What are the challenges of preparing without coaching?
  • Discipline and motivation: You need self-discipline to stay on track and motivated without external guidance. Coaching and Teacher keeps you motivated.
  • Access to resources: You may need to do extra research to find quality study materials and answer-writing practice opportunities. Teacher help you on this respect.
  • Doubt clearing: You might lack immediate access to someone to address your doubts and questions. Teacher like Vikash Ranjan sir is accessible to his students 24×7   Mo- 7303615329
  1. What additional resources can help me?
  • Vikash Ranjan Sir’s YouTube channel and website: Offers free Sociology lectures, study materials, and guidance.
  • Triumph IAS website: Provides past year question papers, model answers, and other helpful resources.
  • Public libraries and online databases: Utilize these resources for access to relevant books, journals, and academic articles. 

Sociology Optional Program for
UPSC CSE 2025 & 2026

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