• (Relevant for Sociology Syllabus: Paper 1 – Social Change in Modern Society; PAPER-2 – Challenges of Social Transformation)
  • (Relevant for GS Syllabus: Paper 1- population and associated issues.)
  • To comprehend things better, this fast-paced world necessitates us to pause and analyze every moment around us. In this context, we should notice that life always moves towards growth, accompanied by substantial growth in technology.
  • Technology has evolved to significantly impact human beings in parallel, and right now, technology goes hand in hand with the development of human beings.
  • Technological impact on human beings can be measured or contrasted by two different kinds of ‘generational kids’ that have grown up in response to technology development, which has significantly impacted their activities and skillsets. The two other generation kids we could consider are kids born in the 1990s and the kids born after 2000.
  • During the 1990’s, technology gadgets were products of luxury and were affordable only to the rich. The behaviour of kids born during the ’90s involved many different aspects, especially with their reliance on someone else to learn, gain knowledge, and have continuous development.
  • Their kind of entertainment was all about getting their hands dirty by taking part in activities and games demanding physical involvement that often included friends from the neighbourhood.
  • Not to disregard, this physical activity made their brains super active, which helped them memorize names, phone numbers, and contacts of their relatives without supporting notes, books, or gadgets.
  • Not every home could have a television, and so, dinner everyone used to be with the family. Also, it is agreeable that they had time to care for each other. Relationships between a boy and a girl were rare and even more during teenage.
  • On the contrary, the lives of 2k kids are pretty much different from the 90’s kids’ livelihood aspects. When 2k kids were born, technology started booming. It had reached every nook and corner of the country.  And growing up, kids are raised in a way they are significantly exposed to technology. Kids at a very early age handle gadgets and have learned to fiddle with it, making 2k kids well advanced in technology.
  • However, active participation in physical sports is drastically reduced with kids lured to gaming technology. Getting introduced to girls and getting their contacts has also become comfortable with technology.
  • Active sports are now replaced by Play station, Xbox, etc., and incidentally, kids do not go out, which makes them physically inactive. This reduces brain utilization to a greater extent as students take note of the most essential details either on their mobile phones or laptops.
  • Mobile phones, Laptops, Television are no more the property of the rich; they are indeed everyone’s priority. Technology has drastically transformed the behaviour of kids over within the difference of a decade.
  • Nevertheless, the impact that technology leaves on kids should not be recognized as a disadvantage alone. Technology’s impact on current generation kids makes them more intelligent than the previous generations.
  • Kids learn a lot online, through the internet, and are way smarter than 90’s kids early. This showcases the behavioral changes that kids go through over a while. Albeit, at the same time, they are developed in a way where even an uncertain spread of Covid-19 keeps them glued to their regular classes through technology.
  • On the whole, it is finally that both generations have a chance to be disciplined and show good behaviour; however, it is up to how the kids are nurtured and the type of environment they are brought up, which decides their behaviour.


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