G. S PAPER III: Indian Economy: Indian Economy and issues relating to planning, mobilization of resources, growth, development and employment Outtake
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G. S PAPER III: Indian Economy: Indian Economy and issues relating to planning, mobilization of resources, growth, development and employment Outtake
Continue readingRelevance : G.S paper III: INDIAN ECONOMY There is no ebb in India’s economic woes. In its latest assessment, International
Continue readingHow India remains poor: ‘It will take 7 generations for India’s poor to reach mean income’ Relevance : G.s paper
Continue readingTHE PANDEMIC AND THE GANDHIAN PERSPECTIVE Relevance: G.S paper I: Society and issues Covid-19 pandemic has pushed the world into
Continue readingZERO HUNGER Syllabus: GS Paper – II (Social Justice) – Issues relating to Poverty and Hunger. State of Hunger in India
Continue readingTRIBAL HUNTING RIGHTS VS WILDLIFE PROTECTION LAWS Relevance: Sociology: Tribal communities in India: Geographical spread. Colonial policies and tribes. Issues
Continue readingANAEMIA AND WOMEN HEALTH: SOCIAL NORMS-BASED INTERVENTIONS AT EVERY PHASE OF A WOMAN’S LIFE Relevance: Sociology: Emerging issues: ageing, sex
Continue readingMENSTRUAL HYGIENE DAY: DISPELLING STIGMA NEED GOVT INTERVENTION Relevance: Sociology: Women Reproductive health S paper I: Society and social issues:
Continue readingMUST KNOW ABOUT KEY IAS RULE Following is the gist of the controversy over sudden transfer of West Bengal Chief
Continue readingWomen Empowerment: Schemes to Uplift Women Relevance: Sociology: Poverty, deprivation and inequalities. Violence against women. G.S paper II: Governance:
Continue readingECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT OF WOMEN Relevance: Sociology: Women Empowerment: Gender Inequality G.S paper II: Governance Cross-sectional interventions have been undertaken to
Continue readingSWACHH BHARAT MISSION II AND SAMPOORNA SWACHHATA Relevance: G.S paper II: Government Schemes and planning Swachh Bharat Mission Phase I:
Continue readingROLE OF RURAL WOMEN IN INCLUSIVE DEVELOPMENT Relevance: G.S paper I: Society and social issues: Role of women and women’s
Continue readingRelevance: Sociology: Rural and Agrarian transformation in India: Programmes of rural development, Community Development Programme, cooperatives, poverty alleviation schemes. G.S
Continue readingGENDER BUDGETING Relevance: Sociology: Stratification and Mobility: Concepts- equality, inequality, hierarchy, exclusion, poverty and deprivation. GS paper II: Governance Introduction:
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