Glyptothorax gopii

Relevance: prelims: Environment

Scientists of the Zoological Survey of India have discovered two new species of freshwater fish from the north-eastern and northern parts of the country.

  • Both fish are equipped with special morphological features to suit rapid water flow.

Glyptothorax gopii:

  • Glyptothorax gopii is a new species of catfish found in Mizoram’s Kaladan river.
  • It measures 63 mm standard length without caudal fin, is dark brown on its dorsal surface, and its ventral surface is of a yellowish-light brown.
  • It has been named to celebrate the contribution of taxonomist K.C. Gopi.
  • It has an axe-shaped anterior nuchal plate (bone below dorsal fin), which makes it distinct from other species of the genus Glyptothorax.
  • The elliptical thoracic adhesive apparatus and plicae (folds of tissue) present on the ventral surfaces of the pectoral-fin
    spine help the fish cling to rocks.

Garra simbalbaraensis:

  • Garra simbalbaraensis was found in Himachal Pradesh’s Simbalbara river.
  • It measures 69 mm standard length without caudal fin and has a yellowish-grey colour fading ventrally.
  • It takes its name from the Simbalbara river.
  • It has a prominent unilobed and rounded proboscis with tubercles that help the fish in manoeuvrability.


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