“ Sociology Paper 1 2023 ”
SOCIOLOGY Paper 1 2023
Marks : 250
Duration: 3 hours
Exam Date: 24-09-2023
Subject: Sociology Paper 1 2023
Question 1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: (10-5-50)
- What is the distinctiveness of the feminist method of social research? Comment.
- Discuss the relationship between (sociology and political science.
- How does the dramaturgical perspective enable our understanding of everyday life? Go
- Is reference group theory a universally applicable model? Elucidate.
- Do you think that the boundary line between ethnicity and race is blurred? Justify your answer.
Question 2.
- What, according to Robert Michels, is the iron law of oligarchy? Do lions and foxes in Vilfredo Pareto’s theory, essentially differ from each other? Substantiate. (20)
- What is historical materialism? Examine its relevance in understanding contemporary societies. (20)
- What are variables? How do they facilitate research? (10)
Question 3.
- What are the characteristics of scientific method? Do you think that scientific method in conducting sociological research is foolproof? Elaborate. (20)
- How do you assess the changing patterns in kinship relations in societies today? (20)
- Is Weber’s idea of bureaucracy a product of the historical experiences of Europe? Comment. (10)
Question 4.
- Do you think that common sense is the starting point of social research? What are its advantages and limitations? Explain. 20
- How is poverty a form of social exclusion? Illustrate in this connection the different dimensions of poverty and social exclusion. 20
- Highlight the differences and similarities between totemism and animism. 10
Question 5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : 10×5-50
- Examine the relevance of corporate social responsibility in a world marked by increasing environmental crises.
- How is civil society useful in deepening the roots of democracy?
- What functions does religion perform in a pluralistic society?
- Analyze critically David Morgan’s views on family practices.
- Does women’s education help to eradicate patriarchal discriminations? Reflect with illustrations.
Question 6.
- What are the different dimensions of qualitative method? Do you think that qualitative method helps to gain a deeper sociological insight? Give reasons for your answer. 20
- Explain Max Weber’s theory of social stratification. How does Weber’s idea of class differ from that of Marx? 20
- What are the ethical issues that a researcher faces in making use of participant observation as a method of collecting data? Explain. 10
Question 7.
- Explain how economic globalization has brought changes in the patterns of employment in the 21st century. 20
- Do you think that the social media has brought significant changes in the forms of protest? Argue your case. 20
- Assess critically A. G. Frank’s ‘theory of development of underdevelopment’. 10
Question 8.
- What is Taylorism? Analyze its merits and demerits. 20
- What are new religious movements? Elaborate emphasizing their forms and orientations. 20
- Examine the role of science and technology in addressing age-old taboos and superstitions. 10
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Triumph IAS: The Best Sociology Optional Coaching
and Teacher for UPSC Sociology Optional Paper 2023
When it comes to the UPSC Sociology optional subject for the year 2023, candidates will be dealing with two papers, namely Paper I and Paper II. Each of these papers carries a substantial weightage of 250 marks, resulting in a total of 500 marks dedicated to this particular optional subject. Among the plethora of optional subjects offered by UPSC, Sociology stands out as one of the 48 choices available to aspiring candidates.
The examination schedule for the UPSC Civil Services Mains for September 23, 2023, includes Paper-A in Indian Language and Paper-B in English. Following this, candidates will face Optional Subject-Paper-1 (Paper-VIII) and Optional Subject-Paper-2 (Paper-IX) on September 24, 2023.
Triumph IAS, renowned as the Best Sociology Optional Coaching and Teacher, ensures that candidates are well-prepared for the challenges of UPSC Sociology Optional Paper 1. This paper encompasses a wide array of topics, including the foundational principles of sociology, the influential sociological thinkers who have made significant contributions to the field, and various sociological theories. The primary aim of this paper is to evaluate candidates’ theoretical grasp of sociology.
Moving on to UPSC Sociology Optional Paper 2, Triumph IAS continues to shine as the best coaching and teacher for this subject. Paper 2 delves into the practical application of sociological theories to contemporary social issues. It encompasses subjects like Indian society, social change, and development, among others. The main objective of this paper is to assess candidates’ capacity to analyze and provide insightful sociological perspectives on current societal challenges.
In conclusion, when it comes to excelling in the UPSC Sociology Optional Paper 2023, Triumph IAS stands out as the best coaching and teacher, equipping candidates with the knowledge and skills needed to triumph in this significant examination.
Sociology Optional Trend Analysis 2023
Download Sociology Trend Analysis 2023 UPSC
Dear Aspirants, In sociology optional, there are limited number of theories & only six thinkers. There are limited number of concepts & facts. UPSC-IAS aspirants should understand concepts, thinkers/theories & social facts and simply do brainstorming on possible solution/answer of the question in examination. Do more and more topical backward linkage and forward linkage. Do more and more theoretical-conceptual and factual co-relation. Every individual has Sociological imaginations. While doing preparation or revision, you should simply colour your Sociological Imaginations with Concepts & Theories of the Sociological Thinkers & Structural facts. Application of Theory and Concepts with reference to Indian social facts are common type of analytical writing. In Sociology UPSC Evaluators expect you to apply sociological theories (sometimes called “perspectives” or “arguments”) to empirical phenomena called social facts. In Paper 1 try to write 2 to 3 Current Social, Economic, Political, Educational, Religious, Cultural Social Facts referring to General Studies Syllabus. However, Never try to write more than five Sentences of Current Relevance. You are writing Sociology Answers, so Visibility of Sociological Keywords are Important. Just to bring Novelty in Answers, apart from doing Co-relation You can write few Current points.Note: Sociology is systematic and scientific study of Society-social structure, system and Interaction in systematic manner. So systematize your answer with theoretical, conceptual orientation on structure, system & interaction. Please don’t make it a Current Affairs note writing phenomena. Don’t get into trap of Social-Media sensation of Current-Sociology. It’s a bad trap. Focus on Theories, Concept and Social Facts – traditional and modern related to the past and contemporary society. |
How to Structure Answer in Sociology? – Vikash Ranjan
- UPSC OPTIONAL or GENERAL STUDIES LEVEL writing is different than writing in high school, college and university because you are asked to THINK in little more complex ways. Apart from developing your capacity to obtain knowledge, understanding, and application, UPSC – COMPETITIVE WRITING pushes you up towards the more complex skills of analysis, synthesis and evaluation while structuring the answers.
- After preliminary test focus on Revision & Listing of “Topic wise Keywords- Conceptual Terms, Theoretical Dimensions and social facts” for writing a good answers.
- You should not stuck on 3 to 4 Peripheral-Non-sociological Questions in each paper of Sociology Optional. You have to write 19 Questions, out of which 15 to 16 Questions will be “Direct Topical Questions” related to “Fundamentals of Sociology in Paper 1” and “Indian Social Structure and Change” in Paper 2. Give your best in answer of such questions. And try to manage Peripheral-Non-sociological Questions with application of Theoretical-conceptual strands.
- Be more careful in Structural part of your Answer. Structure your Answers in Parts:-
(1) First Part- Introduction
(2) Second Part- Main Body [Thesis, Antithesis (Critique/Limitation)]
(3) Third Part- Conclusion — Synthesis
- In Introduction directly address the question, briefly explain the key Concept or Theoretical dimension. Avoid writing much on background and glorifying the thinkers academic achievement. It should Constitute 20 Percent of the total length of the Answer.
- In Thesis Part elaborate on the concept or theory or social fact asked in the question. Highlight the Thinkers, Scholars View or Perspective to enrich and substantiate the Answer. If the Question has Keywords like “Discuss”, “Describe”, “Explain”, “Elaborate” etc., then Thesis Part must be detal and Antithesis (Critique or Limitations) should be brief. If the Question has Keywords like “Critically Examine” or “Critically Analyse” etc., then Thesis part should be brief and Antithesis should be discussed in detail.
- In Antithesis Part try to write a Critique to Main Theoretical – Conceptual Arguments asked in questions. By writing Antithesis, you present alternative explanations or views on the topic on which the question has been asked. Length of thesis and Antithesis part will depend on demand of the question.
- Conclusion or Synthesis Part must reflect your overall Conceptual-Theoretical-Applied Understanding of not only the topic rather the Subject. Don’t write your personal opinion about the Theme or the Topic or the Issues in this part. Rather try to give academic and applied insights and try to make it more contemporary by giving references and describing relevance.
Common Pitfalls to Avoid in Sociology Answer Writing: Vikash Ranjan
Avoid three common flawed sociological arguments: arguing only from the perspective of the individual while ignoring social conditions, attributing patterns in behaviour to “human nature,” and explaining behaviour as caused by “society” in general without looking at the societal processes at work. - EXCESSIVE SUMMARIZING/LACK of ANALYSIS
Your task is to move beyond mere summary to help a reader understand your evaluation and analysis of the Social Facts/Concepts/Theory. - LACK OF AN ADEQUATELY COMPLEX THESES
A good thesis moves your reader beyond a simple observation. It asserts an arguable perspective that requires some AS work on your part to demonstrate its validity. - LACK OF ADEQUATE SUPPORT
A well-crafted thesis requires substantiation in the form of acceptable evidence. Often, if your thesis doesn’t make a complex, arguable claim, the act of substantiation becomes difficult. Take care to develop a thesis that will require purposeful use of evidence. - USE OF UNRELIABLE ELECTRONIC SOURCES
Take care to rigorously evaluate your sources, particularly ones from the Internet. Avoid Using of Unnecessary Current Facts as Suggested by Telegram Innovators. The Purpose of hyper Sociological Linkage of Current News with the Theory is to Impress Students for building Telegram Audience for Marketing and Business. - USE OF PERSONAL OPINION OR ANECDOTES
Personal opinions or anecdotes generally do not qualify as rigorous and appropriate sociological evidence in support of a claim. Your opinion does not qualify as data. - IMPROPER USE OF A THEORY
If you are applying or testing a particular theory, be sure you have a good understanding of this theory. - EXCESSIVE QUOTING
When quoting a source in order to provide evidence, use only the relevant part of the quotation. When you establish a claim/assertion and provide textual support, be sure to explain the relationship between the quotation and the assertion. Your reader can’t read your mind. - SHIFTING VERB TENSE
Take care to shift verb tense only when necessary. Science’s strong sense of timing requires that you accurately that you accurately reflect that research was performed in that past and that certain knowledge is current. - PASSIVE VOICE
Use active voice as often as possible. Active voice generally is more concise and lively than passive voice. - REFERENCE TO THE AUTHOR BY HIS/HER FIRST NAME
It is customary and respectful to refer to the author using his/her last name.
Happy Reading, Happy Revision!
All the Best!
Sociology Optional Trend Analysis 2023
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