Relevant for Sociology Paper-I : Politics & Society –
- State is only a political association. It is part and parcel of society.
- State is artificial. It is the creation of will and reason. However, it has become a compulsory institution.
- State is territorial institution. It is limited to a definite territory.
- The State is sovereign and employs the method of coercion or compulsion to enforce its laws. Hence, exercise of authority is the basis of its operation.
- The State is a small part of the society and is concerned only with the political activity of individual for social order.
- State came into existence after the origin of society. State was formed later.
- Membership in the State is compulsory. State is compulsory organisation.
- State is a legal organisation. It indicates political system.
- State namely, has an agency, government to enforce its authority.
- State must be organised. Without proper organisation State cannot exist.
- State cannot exist without any society.
- The scope of society is wider. It is an association of many associations.
- Society is natural and instinctive to human beings.
- Society is universal. Society does not have territorial limitations.
- Since society does not have sovereign authority it tries to ensure the observance of its rules by persuasion and on appeal to the goodwill of its members. Customs and moral codes are its basis operation.
- Society is the whole web of social relationship.
- Society is prior to the State It existed even before the origin of political organisation.
- Membership in society is a voluntary. Society is voluntary organisation.
- Society is a social organisation. It indicates social system.
- Society has no such authority or organisation to implement its principles.
- Society need not be highly organised. It includes organised and unorganised communities.
- Society can exist without State. Eskimos have only society, no State.
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