Relevant for Sociology Paper-I: Sociology as Science- Fact value & Objectivity
The concept of norm is central in sociology. Every society has a number of guidelines or standards which direct human behaviour in particular situation. They specify appropriate and inappropriate behaviour. Such guidelines are known as norms.
Norms are standards of group behaviour. Group life is governed by a set of standards that regulate the relationship and behaviour of group members. For example, the brothers and sisters should not have sexual relations; younger should respect the elders and the uncles should not joke with his nephews and nieces etc. are the norms governing the relationship among the kins.
Norms incorporate value judgments. They represent ‘standardised generalizations’ concerning expected modes of behaviour. As standardized generalizations they are evaluated by the group and carry value judgments. Norms are based on values. They help us to judge between good and bad or right and wrong. They denote expected behaviour or even ideal behaviour of group members.
Norms are related to the factual world. They are not abstract or imaginary construct. In sociology we are concerned with the operational norms, i.e., such norms which can be sanctioned and the non-conformists get the penalties in the group. The factual situation should be taken into account. For example, a rule that all men may have four wives would be valueless if the sex-ratio does not permit it. Therefore, the norms must take into account the factual situation in order to be effective.
A normless society is impossible. A normative order makes the factual order possible, Man’s gregarious instinct compels him for a group living which is possible only when there is order in the social set-up and individual behaviour is predictable with the application of norms. They also give cohesion to society. According to Hobbes, a group without norms would be solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.
Norms are enforced by positive and negative sanctions. Sanctions can be informal such as an approving or a disapproving glance or formal such as a fine or a reward by an official body. For example, there are norms governing dress in all societies. In Indian society men and women share norms pertaining to acceptable dressing patterns for different age groups. A seventy year old lady dressed as a teenager would violate the norms for her age group. Norms of dress provide for guidelines for appropriate dresses for particular occasions. Norms of dress vary from society to society. In matters of sanction, an embarrassed silence or a contemptuous stare will make the violators of dress norms to conform to the required standards. Usually the threat of such negative sanctions is sufficient to enforce normative behaviour. On the contrary, an admiring glance, a word of praise or an encouraging smile provide reward for conforming to social norms. Certain norms are formalized into laws by translation which are enforced by official sanctions. In terms of laws governing dress, exposure at public places is a punishable offence.
Definition of Norms
Young and Mack: “Norms refer to the group-shared expectations”.
H.M. Johnson: “A norm is an abstract pattern held in the mind, that sets certain limits for behaviour.”
Robert Bierstedt: “A norm is a rule or standard that governs our conduct in the social situations in which we participate. A norm can be treated as a cultural specification that guides our conduct in society.”
These definitions reveal that norms are rules and regulations around which group life revolves.
Social values are cultural standards that something is good and desirable. Values provide general guidelines of behaviour. It defines what is important, worthwhile and worth striving for. They are the abstract sentiments or ideals. They provide the final meaning and legitimacy for social arrangement and social behaviour. For example, an important social value is “equal opportunities”. It is considered highly desirable. A social value is different from individual value. An individual value is sought for personal achievement and though shared by others does not become social value. Whereas a social value has a concern for others’ welfare. Social values are internalized by the individuals through the process of socialization in their personality. For example, the western culture is dominated by a belief in the material progress whereas the Indian culture is marked by spiritualism. Like norms, values vary from society to society.
Many norms are reflections of values. A single value may be exhibited through many norms. In western society the value placed on human life is expressed through following norms. The norms associated with hygiene in the home and in public places reflect a concern for human life.
It is maintained that shared norms and values are a must for the operation of human society. As man has no instinct, his behaviour must be guided and regulated by norms. Unless norms are shared, members of society would be unable to cooperate or even comprehend the behaviour of others. Similarly without shared. values, members of society would hardly cooperate and work together. With conflicting values they shall be pursuing incompatible goals and disorder may result. Thus for an ordered and stable society shared norms and values are required.
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Brief introduction about norms and values, should have added mores, Folkways to make it more interesting….
Please Consider Another blog which Contains Folkways, Customs, Mores & Sections.