Can the strategy of regional resource-based manufacturing help in promoting employment in India?


Define what is regional resource based manufacturing in the introduction part. And then detail it with its impact and how it is promoting employment in India.

Give a brief about its drawbacks and give a conclusion.

Model Answer:

Regional resource based manufacturing means developing industry from locally available resources.

It can promote employment

1)Regional resource based manufacturing, unlike manufacturing utilizing resources outsourced from foreign countries(ex- copper ore imported from Chile) , local resource based manufacturing utilize local resource , hence promoting mining and extraction of local resources.
Copper mining will promote employment of miners and laborers..

2) It also provide ready market for regional resource..
Ex-millers in Punjab buy rice from local farmers, thereby providing ready market..

3) It promote regional specialization of manufactured products while can fetch more in markets.

4)Dairy industry in Gujarat provided employment to lakh of dairy farmers in Gujarat

However overemphasis on regional resource based manufacturing can lead to stagnation in this competitive market.ex- despite in attractiveness of Indian copper ore (due to low copper content) if we still force regional copper upon copper plants, it could reduce their competitiveness..

Nevertheless regional resource based manufacturing is a good way to increase employment and reduce regional imbalance, if developed rationally considering the demand and supply dynamics.

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