Cabinet approves Establishment of an International Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure

Relevance: mains: Paper III: Disaster and Disaster Management

The Union Cabinet has approved the Establishment of an International Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) along with its supporting Secretariat Office in New Delhi.


  • The CDRI is proposed to be launched at the UN Climate Action Summit in New York, USA on 23rd September 2019.

The approval is for the following initiatives:

  • Establishment of the CDRI along with its supporting Secretariat office in New Delhi.
  • Establishment of the Secretariat of the CDRI as a Society under The Societies Registration Act,1860.
  • In-principle approval for Government of India support of Rs. 480 crore over a period of 5 years from 2019-20 to 2023-24.

Major impact

  • The CDRI will serve as a platform where knowledge is generated and exchanged on different aspects of disaster and climate resilience of infrastructure.
  • It will bring together technical expertise from a multitude of stakeholders.


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